Thursday 17 March 2011

Perfect puppy again, with quick reviews

Don't even think about it, Otto.

Otto waits in the corner underneath the hob waiting for me to drop something when I'm cooking.  He's not helping his Perfect Puppyhood: on Tuesday he broke a mug of cold tea and drank it. Yesterday I discovered he was tall enough to reach up and eat half a smart leather glove which I'd left on the kitchen table.

Interesting German film - the Wave. About a teacher who tries to demonstrate autocracy and succeeds too well.

Re-read The Ladies' Man by Elinor Lipman.  Amusing and sharp-witted social satire.


Faye said...

Oh that little black seal! He's wonderful beside the spring bulbs. Has he decided which tastes better? Will add "The Wave" to my foreign film viewing list.

I had dinner with two golden puppies last night--they were very busy with some of Otto's tricks.

Cornflower said...

Oh, but Otto is lovely! Pippin too is getting up on her hind legs and reaching things....

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Otto is so adorable, I can imagine it must be difficult to be cross with him even when he's naughty.