Great YouTube clip of Doh-Ray-Me dancing at a Belgian station. Guaranteed to warm the cockles of the most jaded heart. (Why cockles, I wonder? Perhaps the heart looks like a cockle. I sometimes watch operations on telly but usually have to avert my eyes.)
Reading. Disappointed in the Mapp and Lucia book I bought. Too brittle for me these days. I think I must be due a book buying session as have a need for something new. Currently rereading the charming Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee, and an old Mary Wesley with a slightly tiresome heroine, The Vacillations of Poppy Carew.
The ornamental apples above are pretty if somewhat autumnal.
Funnily enough, I was looking through dvds and found copies of Cider with Rosie and The Vacillations of Poppy Carew earlier today. Not quite the same as the books, of course.
I agree abou the autumnal feeling in the garden. Our Japanese maple is already turning red. Lovely, but very early.
I've never read Cider with Rosie. For some inexplicable reason the title repels me. Odd, I know...
Re cockles of the heart:
Thanks, Dark Puss. The internet is so full of info I could spend all day mining away at it.
Actually I haven't got to Rosie yet, RO, but LL's descriptions of his childhood are magical. At the other end of the scale, I'm appreciating Mary Wesley's detailed descriptions of cats and fish, along with her unlikely characters, Debs. (I like your new planting)
Loved the clip, thank you. At last I've managed to order Paris Imperfect. My first attempts with Book Depository last month gave me the message that there was a problem with my card - the same one I'd used with them before. Now, I have ordered it from them via Amazon because it's less expensive! Mad or what! Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading it.
Of course, I meant Tropical Connections! Need a new brain - duh!
Thank you very much for ordering Tropical Connections, Sandy. That's terrific.
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