Sunday 23 November 2008

November garden

Currently reading Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande. Written in 1934 but still valid. Good for writer's block. Not that I am at the moment but you never know.
Guilty about: garden leaves not swept up, garden bulbs not planted, hand-washing not done, loft (as usual), garage (as usual), windows (where is the window cleaner?), Christmas, kitchen cupboards, and all the things I have left undone that I ought to have done.
Looking forward to: new book's arrival, Christmas.
Happy about: exhilarating three-hour walk yesterday in hilly Hampshire countryside, cold sun, bare trees, fields of stubble, beautiful.


Jan Jones said...

Good heavens, Susie, how spooky. My guilty list looks exactly the same as yours!

callmemadam said...

Guilty on leaves and windows. Everything else has had perforce to be done for moving. It's been so windy that that the leaves have blown into pretty patterns; that's my excuse.

cheshire wife said...

I too have a similar guilt list and our garden looks nowhere near as good as yours.

Anonymous said...

For once I can be a bit smug because someone tidied my garden for me but there's still loads of stuff to do - like a pile of ironing that's been buikding up for two weeks. But tomorrow I get my book and on Saturday i can collect my new glasses. BLISS. . . .