The Romantic Novelists Association covers a large variety of women's commercial fiction from, say, Joanna Trollope to vampire fantasy - see link on the right for more info on the RNA. The annual conference, held at a difference university campus each year, is always tremendous fun with a great atmosphere. RNs certainly know how to party. This year's speakers included Jill Mansell, Katie Fforde, Kate Harrison, Mark Thornton of Mostly Books and the amazing 87-year-old prolific writer Claire Lorrimer, daughter of Denise Robins, one of the founders of the RNA. Amusing, articulate, full of life and fun, so encouraging. She wears spiky heels too, though nothing like as high as Kate's and Julie Cohen's blockbusters which were worthy of Sex and the City. Am I jealous? - only in a nostalgic kind of way. Claire L said her mother was great friends with Barbara Cartland but felt she was often a little overdressed. 'My readers expect it,' said Dame B. Ever energetic, Claire L has just finished her latest thriller and has also published an autobiography about her rather grand life which sounds a perfect present.
(Jill Mansell said she's been visiting this blog and loves my garden - had to admit I only photograph the best bits, but at least now I can claim that the weedy overgrown areas have been deliberately set aside to encourage wild life - photo credit Rory Vereker)

It was lovely to see you again at the Conference Susie - and yes, it was fun AND hectic. LOL Now all we have to do is put the terrific advice to good use!
Wet weather - good for those weeds - sorry, wildlife area.
And an excellent reason for staying indoors and writing of course. Take care, Ray-Anne
It was lovely seeing you at the Conference. I always enjoy it so much but only ever manage to make one day.
Love the picture.
I am meeting up with Jan Jones on Saturday so look forward to hearing all about it. I have been wanting to come along myself, as an observer you understand, as I certainly am not capable of writing a novel, but of course it is on at the same time as my mother's birthday and as she has just turned 96 I am determined to celebrate each one while I can.
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